Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Sunny days

Aren't these beautiful sunny days were having amazing??! I am just loving sitting outside and soaking up the suns rays and vitamins. It's amazing how it can make you feel happier and give you more energy after you've laid out in the sun. Something I heard recently I want to share with you is related to this. I realize that when the suns out I feel so much better and I know it's there because I can see it, feel it, and experience it, but what about when it's behind a cloud or its nighttime. Does that mean its not there anymore or it's left? No, that's a silly question obviously right? But then why is it that when I go through a hard time or a difficult point in my life that I feel like God has distanced himself from me or he is not there anymore? The truth is that the clouds are no indicator that the sun is there or not just as much as when the storms of this life come and we wonder if God is there. He is always with us and he cares about every detail of our lives. He counted and put the number of hairs on our heads! So hold on to that as I will next time it rains and the sun is out of sight. I love you all and pray this encourages mad brighten your day!

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